Apps that make social distancing easier

Anne Sophie Feil Anne Sophie Feil

As physical social contact with friends, family and colleagues is not possible during the Covid-19 restrictions, some apps can help to reduce the feeling of […]

Lockdown in a foreign country

Anne Sophie Feil Anne Sophie Feil

For the international students of the University Abat Oliba (UAO) in Barcelona, the Spanish lockdown due to coronavirus came completely unexpected. As universities had to […]

Our perspectives are changing because of COVID-19. Can we use this time as detox period?

Avatar okavayasavage

The beginning of the year started and what a marvelous thought it was to do a study abroad programme. Travelling to Barcelona and to study […]

Stamppot met Boerenkool: A tasty simplicity of the Dutch cuisine 

Kim Krehl Kim Krehl

Dutch cuisine does not enjoy worldwide recognition and popularity, but it does have some specialties to offer that are worth knowing. In addition to numerous […]

The Olympic Games are postponed due to COVID-19

Avatar Fabienne Kleinkopf

It has not been easy for the IOC -President to make a decision in the past few weeks. This year’s Summer Olympic Games were originally scheduled […]

Sharing Stories with the Strangers Project

Deirdre Heavey Deirdre Heavey

What is the Strangers Project? Ten years ago, Brandon Doman began collecting hand-written stories from strangers in New York City’s Washington Square Park. 60,000 stories […]

El coronavirus pone contra las cuerdas al mundo del fútbol

Ricardo Jiménez Padrós Ricardo Jiménez Padrós

Tras cuatro semanas de confinamiento, el fútbol ya no es lo más importante en la vida. Uno de los deportes más conocidos y practicados en […]

24 horas encerrados en casa

Javier Oliver Villalba Javier Oliver Villalba

El presente artículo trata de dar voz a las situaciones de algunos ciudadanos que viven confinados. La cuarentena no se percibe igual en todos los […]

Manual de supervivencia del pequeño comercio

Paolina Isabella Santinato Paolina Isabella Santinato

Uno de los sectores más afectados por la Covid-19 es el de los pequeños comercios. Durante las últimas semanas se ha visto cómo les ha […]

Fuerte reducción del tráfico durante la cuarentena

Lucas Ramsés Cañete Lucas Ramsés Cañete

El estado de alarma decretado por el Gobierno para combatir la pandemia de coronavirus ha tenido un fuerte impacto en el tráfico. La circulación ha […]