Citytrip in Spain

Trip to Valencia

Michaela Haubner Michaela Haubner

In this article you will find out what a trip to Valencia could be like and what you can see and eat there. I will share many recommendations with you and at the end I will give you my general opinion about the city.


Vegan in Barcelona

Michaela Haubner Michaela Haubner

In this article, we explore the vegan-friendliness of renowned tapas bars, delving into their menu offerings, a guide how to change traditional tapas into vegan and some personal recommendations where you can eat vegan tapas in Barcelona.


Mental Health Challenges: The Student Experience

Michaela Haubner Michaela Haubner

In this reportage, we look at how students feel, if they ever dealed with Mental Health issues and what they think about therapy in university.


Kristina’s Journey: “I’m more than a Wedding Photographer”

Michaela Haubner Michaela Haubner

In an exclusive interview, Kristina Alexandrova provided insights into her passion for photography and the unique challenges of her profession.