Consecuencias del Covid-19

Los olvidados durante la pandemia

Victoria Población Victoria Población

Se cumplen tres años desde el inicio del coronavirus y todavía siguen latentes las secuelas psicológicas en los jóvenes


Goodbye to masks

Avatar Marc Rodriguez Monge

The government has announced that they will no longer be mandatory indoors from April 20

Noves generacions

“Un psicòleg no pot atendre a 1.500 professionals d’un centre hospitalari”

Mariona Comajuan Planells Mariona Comajuan Planells

Entrevista a Marina Lòpez, estudiant de 4t d'Infermeria del Tecnocampus Mataró i treballadora de l'Hospital de la capital Maresmenca

Mental health

“Be satisfied with the fifth-best solution!”

Carlotta Smok Carlotta Smok

How the pandemic affects our mental health and how we can deal with it


Mayte Márquez: “El propósito empresarial es la clave para afrontar la pandemia”

Lara Diaz Ardiaca Lara Diaz Ardiaca

Esta consultora andaluza ha aprovechado la crisis sanitaria para crecer profesionalmente

A shift in fashion

How a global pandemic changed fashion

Louise Koninckx Louise Koninckx

Is there a new roaring 20s on the horizon?

Efectos de la pandemia

Que el Covid-19 no te quite el sueño

Lara Ballesteros Lara Ballesteros
Avatar Helena  González Miranda

La crisis del coronavirus ha provocado un incremento de los casos de insomnio entre los jóvenes


A guide for the vaccination jungle

Carlotta Smok Carlotta Smok

Which one does what?

Exchange students

Covid-19 signs up for an exchange semester in Abat Oliba

Lara Ballesteros Lara Ballesteros
Carlotta Smok Carlotta Smok

The pandemic of coronavirus has changed the paradigm of the Erasmus students' classes at the university in Barcelona

Lockdown in a foreign country

Anne Sophie Feil Anne Sophie Feil

For the international students of the University Abat Oliba (UAO) in Barcelona, the Spanish lockdown due to coronavirus came completely unexpected. As universities had to […]